March 2019: Researcher Brittany Leger Speaks at International Drosophila Meeting

Research Associate Brittany S. Leger recently spoke at the Genetics Society of America 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference held in Dallas, Texas. Her Models of Human Disease Plenary Platform Presentation, entitled, “A Conserved Role for the N-Glycosylation Pathway in Sleep and Seizures,” focused on her research into the effects of ALG10 mutations and protein N-glycosylation on sleep and seizure phenotypes in a Drosophila model of ALG10 loss. This work is a result of a collaboration between the Walker and Saxena labs from the Center for Genomic Medicine at MGH, as well as with the Schreiber lab at the Broad Institute. Well done Brittany!

For more information about the Annual Drosophila Research Conference, visit:

For more information about the Saxena lab, visit:

For more information about the Schreiber lab, visit:

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